Kristin's Blog

Logotype vs Logomark

Before having a logo designed for your company, decide if you just want a “logotype”, or one with a “logomark”. If you don’t know the difference, here are their explanations, in the simplest terms:

Refers to words, or the name of a company, designed in a unique way. Either a preexisting font may be used or a custom one is created for logotypes.

Refers to an identifying mark/symbol, which doesn’t necessarily contain the company name.

Example of Logotype & Logomark
It really depends on you and the needs of your company if you want both, or if just a logotype will suffice. Many companies don’t have one and just use their logotype as their main graphic to identify their brand.

Logomarks can be useful though, because they can give an edge to company identity. It can help consumers identify what your business is about, especially if your logomark is a pictorial representation, such as a having camera for a photographer or a stained glass graphic for a glass artist. They can be used as consistent graphic elements on marketing materials, wearables, and signage. A logomark can sometimes be more identifiable than a logotype, such as the apple symbol for Apple Inc.

Example of how logomarks can help identify the services of a business
Either way, having a professionally designed logo will help your company standout, look more professional, and thus giving your company an edge.

You can see more examples of logos I’ve designed here:


January 1, 2014 0 comments Identity, Tips

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